calendar>>July 14. 2016 Juche 105
CPRC Spokesman Denounces S. Korea's Decision on THAAD Deployment
Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Now all Koreans are trembling with towering anger at the Park Geun Hye group which made a decision to introduce THAAD into south Korea from the U.S.

South Koreans of different social standings condemn the decision as an "act done by modern day five traitors," "fatal and ruinous option" and "great disaster bringing bigger threat than a war to people's security" as it is little short of selling off the sovereignty to the U.S. They are strongly demanding the nullification of the decision.

Nevertheless, the Park group, remaining unperturbed, is making desperate efforts to cover up its crimes and escape criticism at home and abroad while spouting out absurd sophism that "it is to cope with nuclear and missile threat from the north" and "it is an inevitable measure for safety, destiny and existence of people," said a spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Country of the DPRK (CPRC) in a statement Thursday.

It continued:

The decision disclosed that Park Geun Hye is the rare traitor and a war servant obsessed with confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north and keen on realizing a wild ambition for invading the north as she unhesitatingly sold off the destiny and interests of the nation and harassed regional peace and stability.

The CPRC bitterly denounces in the name of all Koreans the Park Geun Hye group of traitors for committing thrice-cursed act of treachery while kowtowing to the U.S. brigandish demand.

The Park Geun Hye group's act of deploying THAAD is the heinous one for escalating confrontation with an aim to remove the treasured nuclear sword of the compatriots in the north, precious property of the nation, with the help of the wolf-like U.S.

Clear is the aim sought by Park Geun Hye in pressing for the deployment of THAAD despite the strong opposition of all Koreans and the international community.

It is the crafty scheme of Park Geun Hye to escalate the sanctions and pressure on the DPRK with the backing of the U.S. at any cost now that the position of the DPRK as a nuclear weapons state has been consolidated day by day and her trumpeting about the "north's denuclearization first" is becoming no longer workable.

Park Geun Hye is seriously mistaken if she thinks she can save her life interwoven with crimes and tide over her toppling ruling system with herself being hidden behind the U.S. THAAD.

Traitor Park Geun Hye, the very one behind the decision to deploy THAAD, must not forget even a moment that the DPRK's nuclear force for self-defense will be further bolstered up in quality and quantity and the merciless sword of justice will cut off her windpipe no matter how desperately she may try to stifle the compatriots in the north by clinging to the coattails of foreign forces.

Park Geun Hye will have to pay most severely and most bitterly for her unpardonable treacherous act as she is leaving in history another record of despicable confrontation with compatriots in the north and submission to the U.S while offering the Korean peninsula to foreign forces as a theater of a nuclear war.

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