calendar>>July 16. 2016 Juche 105
Kangwon Province of DPRK Hastens Economic Construction
Pyongyang, July 16 (KCNA) -- A drive for developing economy and improving people's living standard has been carried on dynamically in Kangwon Province of the DPRK, which has the Wonsan-Mt. Kumgang international tourist zone.

Wonsan, a port and tourism city, has stepped up a large-scale project for re-damming a reservoir at the final stage.

The city has been removing 150 000 cubic meters of deposits and undertaking the concrete tamping for over 1 000 cubic meters of dam walls.

And it also speeds up the first-stage gravity-fed drinking water project in the area of Mt. Tongmyong.

The Chonnae Area Coal Mining Complex has over-fulfilled its daily quota more than 104 percent.

The Wonsan Rolling-Stock Complex is working hard to put major facilities on a CNC basis and the Munphyong Smeltery is directing efforts to reinforcing production processes with home-made facilities.

The Chonnaeri Cement Factory and the Wonsan Salt Works are striving to keep output ceiling, while a new construction speed is registered at the project for remodeling the provincial art theatre.

Light industrial factories are creditably pushing ahead with the work to update themselves with home-made equipment.

Meanwhile, fishery stations in the province, including the Thongchon Fishery Station, are making big hauls, while putting big efforts on cage-net fish farming.

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