calendar>>July 17. 2016 Juche 105
Special Lecture on DPRK Given in Peru
Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- A special lecture on the theme of "Reality of the DPRK and recent situation on Korean peninsula" was given in Arequipa Province, Peru on June 9.

Displayed at the venue of the lecture were works of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Leopoldo Ortiz Centty, executive member and general secretary of the Port Trade Union of the Peruvian General Federation of Workers, said in a lecture that the DPRK is indeed a great and powerful country of the people and the country where the working class is the master of society and everything serves the people.

He went on:

Witnessing the reality in which the leader pursues the politics for the people and the people remain loyal to the leader, I think that we should learn from the Korean people.

Seeing all the service personnel and people get united to defend the country and work hard in the worksites for building socialism, I admired that there is no such a country.

The U.S. and the West are slandering the DPRK but the Korean people are bolstering up the defence capabilities to safeguard the sovereignty of the country and nation.

He referred to the noble mental and moral traits of the Korean people he saw by himself during his visit to the DPRK.

He expressed his will to make positive efforts for the friendship and solidarity between the peoples of the two countries, with the boundless reverence for the great leaders of the DPRK.

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