calendar>>July 17. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un, Ever-victorious Brilliant Commander
Pyongyang, July 17 (KCNA) -- Four years has passed since Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, received the title of DPRK Marshal.

On the anniversary, the army and people of the DPRK pay the highest glory to him who is leading the Songun revolutionary cause of Juche to victory, true to the intention of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

Over the past four years, they have keenly realized that Kim Jong Un is an ever-victorious and iron-willed brilliant commander as he has displayed the dignity and might of the great Paektusan nation to the full, with his rare military wisdom, distinguished commanding art and matchless pluck.

In Juche 102 (2013) when the enemies' reckless nuclear war exercises were at its height, he saw to it that a statement of the spokesman for the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army (KPA) was issued to clarify the DPRK's tough stand. And he found himself all the year among the KPA units in the frontline areas, leading the overall showdown with the U.S. imperialists to victory.

And he repeatedly inspected the Jangjae Islet Defence Detachment and the Hero Defence Detachment on Mu Islet, the biggest hotspot, and guided the live-shell firing drills aimed at examining the capability to fight an actual war of KPA artillery subunits in charge of striking Yonphyong and Paekryong islands as well as landing and anti-landing drills of KPA large combined units.

In August 2015 when the U.S. was engaged in a nuclear strike exercise for an actual war, he inspiringly aroused all the servicepersons and civilians of the country to the confrontation against the U.S. with the toughest countermeasures.

And he issued an order of the KPA Supreme commander that the KPA frontline large combined units should enter a wartime state and the area along the front be put in a semi-war state.

Such counteractions led the touch-and-go situation on the Korean peninsula to pacification.

Thanks to his energetic guidance, the DPRK had access to H-bomb, ranking itself among the nuclear powers.

Its tremendous strength was well evidenced by the artillery firing contest of KPA large combined units, actual maneuvers between KPA large combined units, test-fire of newly developed anti-tank guided weapons and simulated test of atmospheric re-entry of ballistic rockets.

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