calendar>>July 18. 2016 Juche 105
Art Performance of KPA Officers' Wives Given
Pyongyang, July 18 (KCNA) -- An art performance was given by the amateur art groups of units of the Korean People's Army (KPA) selected in the sixth round of the second-term art performance contest of KPA officers' wives at the People's Palace of Culture Sunday.

Among the audience were creators, artistes, teachers and students in the field of literature and arts.

Put on the stage were narration and chorus "Glory to General Kim Jong Un", instrumental music and song "Our Dear Marshal", chorus "We'll Travel One Road Forever" and other colorful numbers.

The performers sang high praises of the ideological and moral world of the KPA officers' wives faithfully upholding the cause of the Workers' Party of Korea with yearning and reverence for President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

They fully proved that no force on earth can block the road of all the service personnel and people dashing ahead like wind in the spirit of blizzard of Paektu under the guidance of Kim Jong Un and that they are sure to win the final victory.

The performance was acclaimed by the audience.

It continues.

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