calendar>>July 18. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Praises DPRK as Politically and Ideologically Powerful Country
Pyongyang, July 18 (KCNA) -- The DPRK is a politically and ideologically powerful country as it is great by dint of ideology, mighty by force of unity and dignified with independence, says Rodong Sinmun in an article on Monday.

It goes on:

It is a traditional leading mode of the Party to carry out the revolution and construction by dint of ideology, holding fast to it.

The two revolutionary wars, rehabilitation and construction, social revolution of the two stages and other struggles which were decisive in victory and defeat and the destiny of the revolution and the hard days in which the country made an untrodden path of history were the course of ideological campaign through which it has advanced by force of the inexhaustible strength and tremendous mental power of the people, giving priority to the ideological factors.

Even the vicious ideological and cultural poisoning by the imperialists to block the DPRK from advancing and make the revolutionary ranks degenerate could not shake the firm faith of all its service members and other people.

The course covered by the Workers' Party of Korea is a shining one as it has realized the unity of all the party members and all the people in thinking, purpose, morality and sense of obligation and won only victories on the basis of the revolutionary idea of the leaders.

Thanks to the mother party's politics of love for the people and benevolent politics, the trust of the popular masses in the party has been all the more consolidated, the political stability of society all the more ensured and the political and ideological foundation consolidated even during the days of the worst ordeals in history.

It is the consistent revolutionary mode of the party to solve all the issues arising in the revolution and construction its own way to meet the independent requirements and interests of the people.

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