calendar>>July 19. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Puppet Group Accused of Disallowing Interview with Abductees of DPRK by UN Human Rights Organization
Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- Shortly ago, the south Korean puppet group refused to allow the interview with abductees of the DPRK by the UN human rights organization under an absurd pretext.

Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a commentary terms this a cynical ploy to cover up the truth behind crimes committed by them.

It goes on:

If citizens of the DPRK went to south Korea of their own accord as claimed by the puppet group, there is no reason to refuse to comply with the demand of south Koreans and the international community for opening their fate to public and allowing interview with them.

The "voluntary defection from the north" much touted by the group of traitors is a downright lie and nothing but a fig-leaf to cover up the truth behind the horrible criminal act of keeping the abductees of the DPRK in custody.

It is ridiculous, indeed, for such heinous kidnappers to pull up the DPRK over its "human rights" after unhesitatingly committing the above-said unethical atrocity, pursuant to their policy of confrontation with the compatriots in the north.

The increased frenzy on the part of the Park Geun Hye group to hide the truth behind the thrice-cursed abduction of citizens of the DPRK would only harden its will to probe the truth to the last.

If the puppet group feel afraid of experiencing a hot agony of shame in face of the international community and meeting destruction, they should reveal the truth behind the abduction, make an apology to the nation, though belatedly, and send the abductees back to the fold of their parents without delay.

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