calendar>>July 19. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Slams Japanese Reactionaries for Trying to Hide Their Scenario for Militarist Overseas Aggression
Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of Defence of Japan recently announced a projected contract on the purchase of fighters worth 40 billion US dollars with Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

The Japanese reactionaries are claiming that this was required by the measures to bolster up the capabilities of the air force and air defence in order to cope with the increasing Sino-Japan naval dispute and the worsening Sino-Japan relations.

Commenting on this, Minju Joson on Tuesday says that this is nothing but renewed sophism to hide the black-hearted scenario for militarist overseas aggression.

It has always been a national policy of the Japanese reactionaries to turn Japan into a military power and realize the ambition for militarist overseas aggression. This policy has been pursued with increased frenzy under the Abe regime.

Having provided with a legal guarantee for overseas aggression, the Japanese reactionaries are desperately pursuing their policy of arms buildup to put their physical means for it on a high level.

A particular mention should be made of the fact that they are putting increased spurs to the modernization of the "Self-Defense Forces," considering the present time when the U.S. is working in real earnest to carry out its strategy for rebalancing in Asia-Pacific as the golden chance for converting their country into a military giant.

This proves that they are dangerous forces of aggression and war disturbing the peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

In case Japan persistently opts for igniting a war, revealing its true colors as a militarist serpent, this would only precipitate its doom.

The Japanese reactionaries would be well advised to stop at once their reckless military action going against the trend of the times, well aware of the will of the international community for peace.

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