calendar>>July 20. 2016 Juche 105
Koreans in U.S. Voice Objection to THAAD Deployment in S. Korea
Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- Koreans in the U.S. are launching strong actions in protest against the deployment of THAAD in south Korea decided by the U.S. and the south Korean puppet regime which will threaten peace and escalate military tensions on the Korean peninsula.

They staged a demo in front of the White House in Washington D.C. in protest against the THAAD deployment in south Korea.

Demonstrators disclosed the injustice and danger of the deployment of THAAD which will threaten peace and exterminate the Korean nation, handing out leaflets to Americans.

A similar demo was staged in front of the White House on July 17.

Demonstrators asserted that as the decision of THAAD deployment was made by the south Korean regime in disregard of the security and vital rights of south Koreans, their actions against it are just.

The Korean Americans' Association for Supporting Prisoners of Conscience of the Family Movement for Realizing Democracy released a statement titled "Prelude to war, immediate halt to THAAD deployment!" on July 15.

Meanwhile, Koreans in U.S. started a No-THAAD signature campaign involving 100,000 people on July 15.

It was participated in by at least 4,000 people as of July 17.

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