calendar>>July 20. 2016 Juche 105
Trade Union Officials, Information Workers Start Study Tour of Revolutionary Battle Sites in Area of Mt. Paektu
Hyesan, July 20 (KCNA) -- Officials of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) and primary information workers started the study tour of revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu on the 63rd anniversary of the great victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.

A kick-off meeting was held before the Monument to the Victorious Battle of Pochonbo on Wednesday.

The participants laid bouquets before the statue of President Kim Il Sung at the monument and paid tribute to him.

A reporter and speakers said that the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu are eternal treasures which cannot be bartered for anything as the Songun revolution started there and the Korean revolution struck its roots.

The battle sites associated with the revolutionary history and exploits of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu reflect the intention of the Workers' Party of Korea to achieve a final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution at any cost, they noted, adding:

All members of the study group should deeply grasp the greatness of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu and the history of the Songun revolution and thoroughly arm themselves with the revolutionary tradition of Paektu, eternal bedrock of the Korean revolution.

At the end of the meeting, they went round the monument and visited the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Hyesan.

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