calendar>>July 21. 2016 Juche 105
Demise Anniversary of Kim Il Sung Observed Abroad
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- Articles were posted on the websites of foreign countries and an international organization from July 1 to 7 on the 22nd anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung.

Agence Congolaise d'Information posted articles and photos documenting the positive aid the President rendered to the African people for their building of new society, illustrated with a portrait of the smiling President.

The Nigerian National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism said in an article titled "Kim Il Sung, kind-hearted image" that the President is remembered by the world progressive people though it is 22 years since he passed away, adding his kind-hearted image will be deeply cherished in the hearts of humankind.

The Peru-Korea Institute of Culture and Friendship and the Communist Workers' Party of Belarus posted a photo of the President with the articles titled "22nd anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung", "For global independence" and "Peerlessly great man."

The Korean Friendship Association headquartered in Spain posted articles titled "Kim Il Sung, eternal sun", "Kim Il Sung, great man of century", "Beaming smile" and "President Kim Il Sung and a Japanese". The articles said beaming smile of the President would be immortal together with the DPRK making a leap forward under the guidance of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

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