calendar>>July 25. 2016 Juche 105
Memorial Service for King Tangun Registered as National Intangible Heritage
Pyongyang, July 25 (KCNA) -- A memorial service for King Tangun, ancestral father of the Korean nation, was listed as one of national intangible heritages in the DPRK.

Tangun was a founder of Ancient Korea (early 30th century B.C.-108 B.C.), the first slave state in Korea, was known as a powerful country in the East.

From olden times, memorial service for King Tangun took place at his mausoleum and other sites associated with him on October 3, the Foundation Day of Korea which has been believed to be his birthday.

A number of historical records related to the mausoleum of King Tangun and memorial service for him can be found in old books like "Samgukyusa (History of the Three Kingdoms)" and "Sinjungdonggukyojisungnam (Revised Handbook of Korean Geography)".

President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il took all necessary measures to unearth the remains of Tangun, who was nearly faded away with the lapse of time by vicious moves of the Japanese imperialist aggressors and reactionary historians and incompetence of ruling circles of the Feudal Joson Dynasty, to glorify Korea as the country with a 5 000-year-long history.

When the remains of King Tangun were unearthed, Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il saw to it that his mausoleum was reconstructed majestically, as befitted the ancestral father.

Now, an event takes place in front of the Mausoleum of King Tangun in Kangdong County, Pyongyang on October 3 every year in hopes of achieving the national reunification, the ardent desire of the Korean nation, as early as possible.

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