calendar>>July 26. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung Praised by Foreign Media
Pyongyang, July 26 (KCNA) -- Media of various countries introduced the noble revolutionary career and exploits of President Kim Il Sung between July 6 and 12 on the 22nd anniversary of his demise.

The Syrian newspaper Al Nour in an article noted:

President Kim Il Sung is always remembered by the Korean people for the exploits he performed for them and his noble popular traits.

Born as the son of the people, he dedicated himself to them.

He never wanted any privilege and preferential treatment but shared his destiny with the people.

When he passed away in 1994, media of various countries highly praised him as the longest-serving head of state in the world.

The Indian newspaper Public News carried an article praising the great exploits he performed by advancing an original idea on global independence and successfully steering the cause of independence against imperialism.

The British newspaper The New Worker and the Kuwaiti newspaper Kuwait Times gave detailed accounts of the revolutionary career of the President who performed exploits for the times and history with his outstanding ideology and theories and through his great revolutionary practice.

The Senegalese newspaper Le Populaire and State Radio Broadcasting Service introduced his idea of national independence and great national unity.

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