calendar>>July 28. 2016 Juche 105 |
Significance of DPRK's Victory in Korean War
Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- Under the guidance of President Kim Il Sung, the army and people of the DPRK won the 1950-1953 Korean War, provoked by the U.S. imperialists, and thus reliably defended the freedom and independence of the country but also the peace of the world. Many analysts of the world contended that the U.S. ignited the war in an aim to conquer the DPRK and then dominate the world through a great nuclear war. It is well evidenced by the facts that the then U.S. President Truman announced a nuclear blackmail statement indicating the use of A-bombs and declared a "state of national emergency" for preparations of the 3rd World War when the Korean War broke out. In particular, when the "general Christmas offensive" was led to a general retreat on the part of the U.S. side, Truman declared at a press conference that the U.S. would employ all necessary means, including A-bombs, to cope with the new situation created in Korea. Foreign news reports told that Truman had planned to exterminate 700 millions of population by making nuclear attacks on the DPRK, China and the Soviet Union with the Korean War as a starting point. According to declassified documents of U.S. military institutions, U.S. President Eisenhower made a demand for the prompt use of A-bombs five times during the war. However, the U.S. scheme for a nuclear war came to a failure with the DPRK's victory in the war. But for the ideological, moral, strategic and tactical might of the DPRK, the world would have faced a nuclear disaster. In this point of view, the DPRK's victory in the Korean War was of weighty significance as it contributed to preventing a nuclear war on a worldwide scale and defending the global peace. The U.S. should ponder over the fair advice of the world public that if a war breaks out again in the Korean peninsula, the U.S. will meet its final destruction by the dreadful strikes from the DPRK which has ranked itself among the nuclear powers, the attacks more powerful that what the former suffered in the last war. |
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