calendar>>July 29. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams S. Korean Puppet Military Warmongers for Inciting Confrontation with Compatriots
Pyongyang, July 29 (KCNA) -- Recently brass hats of the south Korean puppet military busied themselves with inspecting hotspot areas including the waters off the five islands in the West Sea and the area along the Military Demarcation Line to "examine combat posture." They cried out for "punishing" someone for "provocation."

Rodong Sinmun Friday in an article terms this a desperate bid to escalate tension between the north and the south and instill into the puppet army hostility and confrontation with fellow countrymen and hysteria for a war against the north as part of the treacherous "brain washing."

Intolerable is confrontation between compatriots, the article notes, and goes on:

Out of the aspiration and desire of all Koreans for national unity and reunification, the DPRK has consistently called upon the north and the south to respect each other and open up a new chapter for improving the relations and promoting the movement for national reunification by joining hands with each other as partners for reunification.

The people from all walks of life in south Korea are also demanding the authorities opt for peaceful co-existence with the north with the compatriotic consciousness while supporting and hailing its efforts for the improvement of the inter-Korean relations, detente and peace.

The south Korean military warmongers are driving soldiers into confrontation with the compatriots in the north while claiming they are "the principal enemy." This is no more than an act of treachery.

It is none other than traitor Park Geun Hye who is bringing disgrace and death to the south Korean puppet army while training them as hordes of maniacs mad with confrontation and war against the north.

The Park Geun Hye group is bound to meet a miserable end before long in the face of the massive resistance of the enraged south Korean people as it is blatantly challenging the sincere efforts of the fellow countrymen for improved inter-Korean relations and national reunification while training the puppet army as war maniacs and group of traitors.

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