calendar>>July 30. 2016 Juche 105
Egyptian Newspaper Observes Anniversary of War Victory
Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- The Egyptian newspaper Al Akhbar Almassay carried an article titled "Great victory of Korean people" on July 26 on the 63rd anniversary of the Korean people's victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.

The Korean people mark the 63rd anniversary of their victory in the Fatherland Liberation War on July 27 this year, the article said, and continued:

It was a historic event unheard-of in the world history of wars that the two-year-old DPRK brought to its knees the U.S. which boasted of being the "strongest" in the world.

The Korean people's great victory in the Korean war would be unthinkable without the rare stratagem and superb commandership of President Kim Il Sung.

The U.S., however, is rendering the situation on the Korean peninsula extremely tense by reinforcing huge troops for aggression, far from drawing a lesson from its defeat in the Korean war.

Under the wise leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un, outstanding brilliant commander, the DPRK has joined the front rank of nuclear weapons states and become a powerful country capable of beating back any aggressors.

The DPRK will emerge ever-victorious thanks to the line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of nuclear force under the banner of Songun.

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