calendar>>July 30. 2016 Juche 105
Women Play Key Role in Light Industrial Sector of DPRK
Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- Women workers in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are playing a significant role in a drive to build a thriving nation.

In this regard, KCNA had an interview with Kim Kyong Ok, director of the Ministry of Light Industry, and women innovators, with the anniversary of the Law on Sex Equality promulgated on July 30, Juche 35 (1946) as an occasion.

The promulgation of the law made it possible for the women to enjoy the rights equal to the men's and play a role in creation and construction as much as the men do, Kim said, adding:

Many workers in the light industry have already finished their production assignments for this year and most of them are women.

Han Myong Hui, a worker at the Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Textile Mill who has over-fulfilled her three-year production plan, said:

We, women workers, too, play a big role in building a powerful nation, together with men workers.

Several hundred workers of our mill have already topped their yearly assignments. The mill will witness more women innovators who have carried out their three-year or two-year production assignments in the on-going 200-day campaign.

Such innovation is effected by women employees at Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Silk Mill, Hamhung Woolen Mill, Pakchon and Nyongbyon silk mills, Wonsan Shoes Factory and other light industrial establishments across the country.

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