calendar>>July 31. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Ridicules S. Korean Pro-U.S. Diplomacy
Pyongyang, July 31 (KCNA) -- The recent ministerial meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum held in Laos was a reminder of the miserable position of the south Korean puppet group.

When the south Korean foreign minister imprudently tried to shake the hand of the Chinese minister of foreign affairs first, with smile on his face with an awkward gesture, the latter just exchanged a handshake with the former with an expressionless look. From the very beginning of talks, the Chinese foreign minister reportedly pressed his south Korean counterpart by saying China would like to hear about what kind of measure south Korea was intending to take as regards the deployment of THAAD in south Korea.

The Chinese foreign minister openly disclosed discontent throughout the talks with a callous and stiff look, waving his hand and having his chin in his hand.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Sunday says:

The south Korean puppet group impertinently behaved to show "close relations" with China even ahead of the ministerial meeting, but was cold-shouldered and was held in contempt by Beijing and compelled to fly back in a poor shape after having a hard time.

From the outset of their office the Park Geun Hye group of traitors touted "balanced diplomacy" which calls for coordinating the relations with the U.S. and China in a balanced manner and, at the same time, plugging China into the campaign for "pressurizing the north." This diplomacy, however, has gone bust.

Various media, observing China's attitude towards south Korea, commented that the bilateral relations have made a U-turn.

South Korea is hit hard for complying with the U.S. demand for the deployment of THAAD.

This is an inevitable result of the diplomacy servile to the U.S.

The south Korean puppet forces deserve the above-said cold treatment as they are prolonging their remaining days without any independent stand, being sandwiched between big powers.

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