calendar>>August 3. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams U.S. Arms Build-up in S. Korea
Pyongyang, August 3 (KCNA) -- The service personnel and people of the DPRK will never overlook the U.S. ceaseless arms build-up in south Korea but will clear it and its vicinity of all U.S. military bases for aggression and thus fulfill their historic mission of protecting the peace and security in the region and the rest of the world, says Rodong Sinmun Wednesday in an article.

Recalling that the U.S. is massively introducing its strategic nuclear assets into south Korea and its vicinity, the article says:

What should not be overlooked is that the U.S. Air Force recently decided to forward-deploy on Guam B-1B supersonic strategic bombers capable of dropping nuclear bombs.

It goes on:

The prevailing situation indicates that a nuclear war may break out on the Korean peninsula owing to the U.S. ceaseless arms build-up in south Korea.

The U.S. moves to deploy THAAD in south Korea have plunged it into a whirlwind of conflict and discord among big powers. Consequently, there is such danger on the peninsula that it may become a theatre of big powers' fierce scramble again.

The above-said arms build-up in south Korea indicates that the U.S. dreaming of dominating the world through the pursuance of the pivot to Asia-Pacific policy is making no scruple of turning the peninsula, a strategic vantage point, into shambles of a nuclear war to achieve its objective.

The distress-torn history of the last century, which brought so unbearable disgrace to the Korean nation, can never be repeated no matter how much water may flow under the bridge.

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