calendar>>August 3. 2016 Juche 105
National Machine Designing Festival Opens
Pyongyang, August 3 (KCNA) -- The 12th National Machine Designing Festival opened with due ceremony at the Sci-Tech Complex on Wednesday.

It brought together designers, artists, teachers, researchers, technicians and three-revolution team members at more than 110 units including designing and industrial art studios and educational and scientific research institutions.

Displayed there are more than 650 machine designs, research data on designing technology and support programs for machine designing.

The festival will involve a prize contest in designs of all kinds of tools, sensors and measuring equipment and designs of equipment for the use of natural energy and their proposals.

There will be lectures on the trend of the development of machine designing and technological exchange and service for latest designing technology data and exhibits.

Present at the opening ceremony were Vice Premier Kim Tok Hun, Ri Jong Guk, minister of Machine Industry, Ri Chung Gil, chairman of the State Science and Technology Commission, officials concerned, officials of the machine designing and industrial art studios, educational and scientific research institutions and other working people.

At the end of the ceremony the participants went round the venue of the festival.

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