calendar>>August 5. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Witnesses Unusual Summer Weather
Pyongyang, August 5 (KCNA) -- Unusual weather has been observed in the DPRK affected by abnormal summer atmospheric circulation.

In this regard, Choe Kwang Guk, head of the National Meteorological Forecast Squad, told KCNA:

This year's atmospheric circulation in Northeast Asia is different from the years before.

High pressure formed in Tibet area hits the northern area of the country, instead of high pressure over northeast Pacific.

The rainy spell began on July 22, later than the average year.

The influence of rainy season became weak from July 28, with hot weather lingering.

And sporadic showers were observed in different parts of the country.

The abnormal weather conditions will last until early August and the temperature is expected to rise higher than the end of July.

Rainfall will be seen in mid-August, with heavy rain in different parts of the country.

Rainy season will come to a close at the end of August.

Meanwhile, several rounds of typhoon are expected to hit the country this month.

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