calendar>>August 8. 2016 Juche 105
Ethiopian Personages Laud Peerlessly Great Persons' Feats for Youth Movement
Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- Seminars on the exploits of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un were held by branch groups of the Addis Ababa Youth Association of Ethiopia on August 3 and 4 on the occasion of the Youth Day of the DPRK.

The chief of the Bole branch group of the youth association said that the young people in the DPRK have grown to be main players of the times and vanguard fighters and the DPRK has demonstrated its might as a youth power without an equal in the world thanks to the Workers' Party of Korea's (WPK) policy of prioritizing the youth.

He went on:

President Kim Il Sung, who stared his revolutionary activities with youth work in his early years, advanced the unique idea of prioritizing the youth and successfully embodied it, training the young Korean people to be powerful vanguard ranks of the revolution and reliable reserves of the WPK.

Leader Kim Jong Il, who personified the President's idea, energetically led the young Korean people to successfully perform the mission and duty they assumed before the times and the revolution.

HE Kim Jong Un is glorifying the DPRK as a youth power, considering the said idea as an invariable strategic line with his noble outlook on the future and the rising generation.

The chief of other branch group of the youth association noted that Kim Jong Un regarded the youth issue as the crucial issue related to the rise and fall of the country and the most important state affair and has put his heart and soul into the education of the young people, stressing the world progressives are convinced of the rosy future of the DPRK thanks to him.

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