calendar>>August 8. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams Park Geun Hye for Blocking Joint Conference
Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- The proposal made by the joint meeting of the DPRK government, political parties and organizations on holding a great national conference for reunification marking the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation is being fully supported by an increasing number of people at home and abroad as the days go by, says Rodong Sinmun in an article on Monday.

The preparedness for the holding of the joint conference are facing serious difficulties owing to the vicious obstructive moves of the south Korean authorities who regard the joint conference as a thorn in their flesh, the article says, and continues:

It is an unjustifiable act of treachery for the south Korean authorities to challenge the sincere efforts of the DPRK for opening the conference.

The Park Geun Hye regime is hell-bent on such provocative campaign for "pressurizing the north" as chilling the atmosphere of holding the joint conference. It reels off sheer sophism that the north "expressed no intention of denuclearization".

This is prompted by its black-hearted intention to realize its scenario to stifle the fellow countrymen in the north by chilling the atmosphere of improving the inter-Korean ties and escalating the racket for confrontation with the DPRK in collusion with foreign forces.

The puppet ruling forces are desperately kicking up the campaign for "putting pressure on the north" in collusion with outsiders, turning down its offer for reconciliation and unity. This is as foolish an act as prickling their own eyes with their own fingers.

The Park Geun Hye regime would be well advised to bear in mind that their desperate moves against the joint conference would only touch off bitterer indignation and hatred at the traitorous regime among all Koreans and precipitate their final ruin.

It is the unanimous wish of the times and all Koreans to see the opening of the joint conference.

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