calendar>>August 8. 2016 Juche 105
Songju County Residents Demand Retraction of Decision on THAAD Deployment
Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- The Songju Committee for Checking Deployment of THAAD in south Korea declared the stand of the Songju County residents on the retraction of the plan for THAAD deployment on August 5.

Recalling that Park Geun Hye is mulling reexamining the place for THAAD deployment, the organization went on:

The puppet regime and Defense Ministry should reexamine the issue of whether THAAD is required in this land, not thinking of its deployment in other area.

We will in the future, too, demand the cancellation of the plan for THAAD deployment, not just shifting of its site to other area.

We remember that it is the historic mission and duty for us to prevent THAAD deployment in Songju.

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