calendar>>August 9. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Brands U.S. as Nuclear Maniac Disturbing World Peace and Stability
Pyongyang, August 9 (KCNA) -- Days ago brass hats of the U.S. military at U.S. Congress attended by high-ranking officials of political circles and the military underscored the urgency to modernize nuclear force.

Minju Joson Tuesday says in a commentary in this regard:

The modernization of nuclear force of the U.S. is not just under discussion but has been dynamically pushed forward at the phase of implementing its plan.

It is the wild ambition of the U.S. to dominate the world through its unchallenged nuclear edge.

The U.S. has steadily enlarged its nuclear arsenal since it abused the nuclear technology for producing WMDs though it should be used for promoting the welfare of mankind.

The U.S. has stockpiled nuclear weapons enough to bring the modern civilization of mankind back to the Stone Age in a moment.

The U.S. is mulling increasing the nuclear strike capability and holding an absolute nuclear edge in the world by modernizing the nuclear triad.

The U.S. nuclear force to be modernized is not the one for threat only.

If the U.S. ignites a nuclear war against other countries and nations and puts lots of nuclear warheads on modernized nuclear strike means and uses them against humankind, the consequences will be unimaginably disastrous.

Big powers will be locked in a hot nuclear arms race and "excessive stockpiling of nukes" will take place in the world owing to the U.S. nuclear weapons modernization.

Needless to say, this will bring grave consequences of disturbing world peace and stability.

In fact, nuclear maniac U.S. is chiefly to blame for disturbing the world peace and stability as it is speeding up the modernization of nuclear force.

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