calendar>>August 9. 2016 Juche 105
Natural Energy Development, Energy-Saving Sci-Tech Exhibition Opens
Pyongyang, August 9 (KCNA) -- An exhibition of scientific and technological achievements in developing and using natural energy and saving energy opened with due ceremony under the sponsorship of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Science and Technology of Korea.

The exhibition was attended by Kim Il Sung University, Kim Chaek University of Technology, the State Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Land and Maritime Transport, the Solar Heater Company and other units of developing and using the natural energy.

Put on display were more than 450 pieces of scientific and technological achievements and products of 170 kinds conducive to developing and using the wind power, tidal power, geothermal power, biomass and solar energy and saving energy together with actual-size models and charts.

The opening ceremony was held at the Sci-Tech Complex on Tuesday.

The exhibition will last until Friday.

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