calendar>>August 12. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung Authors Many Works Indicating Path of Korean Revolution during Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Struggle
Pyongyang, August 12 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung authored lots of works during the hard-fought anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, providing a powerful ideological and theoretical weapon for achieving the historic cause of Korea's liberation.

He convened the meeting of leading personnel of the Young Communist League and the Anti-Imperialist Youth League in Kalun on June 30, Juche 19 (1930) where he made the report "The Path of the Korean Revolution".

In the report he clarified the truth of the revolutionary struggle that the master of the Korean revolution is the Korean people and the Korean revolution has to be carried out by the Koreans themselves to suit the specific conditions of Korea, prompted by the requirement of the times and the desire of the people and the lesson taught by the anti-Japanese national liberation movement in Korea.

In "On Organizing and Waging Armed Struggle against Japanese Imperialism", "On the Occasion of Founding the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army", "To Spread and Develop the Armed Struggle into the Homeland" and many other works he specified the theory of building armed forces where he called on the Koreans to organize the anti-Japanese armed struggle with main emphasis on guerrilla warfare by holding arms in their own hands by their own efforts.

"On the Occasion of Forming a Party Organization", "On the Immediate Tasks of the Homeland Party Organization", "On Expanding and Strengthening the Homeland Party Organizations" and many other works also made a scientific clarification of principled issues arising in building revolutionary party organization.

The idea of building the popular and revolutionary government of new type, the unique idea advanced by the President, is comprehensively dealt with in his works such as "The People's Revolutionary Government Is Genuine People's Power", "The Ten-Point Programme of the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland" and "The Inaugural Declaration of the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland".

There are also many other works which give comprehensive answers to the issue of firmly consolidating the mass base of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the issue of strengthening solidarity with the movement for emancipation of working class and oppressed nations worldwide and the international movement of people's front against fascism and the issue of widely organizing anti-Japanese patriotic organizations and enhancing their roles.

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