calendar>>August 12. 2016 Juche 105
Reunification Vanguard of KCTU Launch Activities against Traitorous Rule
Pyongyang, August 12 (KCNA) -- The reunification vanguard of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) entered into actions opposing the deployment of THAAD and demanding a conclusion of a peace treaty, according to a south Korean paper.

The reunification vanguard started activities in Pusan on August 8.

That day the participants conducted information service, exposing the unreasonable decision on THAAD deployment and informing Pusan citizens of an importance of the conclusion of a peace treaty.

That evening the reunification vanguard took part in a candlelight rally of Ulsan citizens against the puppet regime's decision on THAAD deployment.

At the rally the participants said THAAD is a weapon serving the U.S. only, calling upon all citizens to turn out in the actions against the deployment of THAAD in order to achieve peace on the Korean peninsula.

The reunification vanguard will reportedly arrive in Seoul on August 15 via Songju and Asan and take part in the August 15 event for reunification.

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