calendar>>August 13. 2016 Juche 105
All Koreans Called upon to Struggle against Park Geun Hye Regime's Moves to Deploy THAAD
Pyongyang, August 13 (KCNA) -- Park Geun Hye of south Korea recently called to Chongwadae lawmakers of Taegu and North Kyongsang Province origin and told them that "if Songju County recommends another site for THAAD, she would examine whether there is a suitable place, instead of the site in the county."

As those of the south Korean puppet Ministry of Defense plunged into a confusion by Park's remarks about "examination of the third place" were busy "confirming" them and even her master U.S. blustered that it would not agree on the third place, Park is finding herself in an awkward position.

A spokesman for the National Peace Committee of Korea in a statement on Saturday says in this regard:

What traitor Park uttered this time is, as commented by the public at home and abroad, little short of her self-acknowledgment of THAAD's critical impact on human health and surrounding environment and serious catastrophic consequences to be entailed by it across south Korea.

There is a saying that an intended crime deserves severer punishment than the crime committed, unaware of it. Traitor Park has left no means untried to introduce THAAD into south Korea by deceiving the public at any cost though she knows that it is good for nothing. Lurking behind this is her ill-minded intention to make all Koreans fall victim to the U.S. policy of aggression.

THAAD is not for protecting the lives of the south Korean people but for shielding the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces present in south Korea and a source of trouble that will only serve the purpose of the U.S. policy of seeking to dominate the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia. This fact can by no means be covered up.

Park would be sadly mistaken if she calculates she can calm down the enraged public including the inhabitants of Songju County with the above-said rhetoric. She cannot but be called a wicked traitor without an equal.

The only solution to the controversial issue of THAAD lies in scrapping the decision to deploy THAAD bringing a nuclear disaster to the south Korean people and in resolutely eliminating the group of traitors that created such danger on behalf of all Koreans, not in "examining the third place."

All Koreans in the north, the south and abroad desirous of peace against war will have to stage a more dynamic struggle to foil the reckless moves of the Park group to deploy THAAD, the thrice-cursed crime challenging the nation and history.

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