calendar>>August 14. 2016 Juche 105
Korea's Liberation, Event That Brought Change in People's Destiny: Nigerian Body
Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- The Nigerian National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism posted an article titled "Korea's liberation, turning point in history" on its website on August 9 on the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation.

The article said:

Korea was liberated on August 15, 1945.

Liberation of the country helped the Korean people lead an independent and dignified life as the master of their own destiny, the master of the state and society free from the yoke of the colonial slavery by the Japanese imperialists.

For the Korean people the country's liberation was not only the national rebirth but a great event that brought about a change in their destiny from slave to master.

President Kim Il Sung led the 15-year-long anti-Japanese armed struggle to victory, achieving the historic cause of Korea's liberation.

Right after the liberation he founded the Workers' Party of Korea, organizer and guide of all victories of the Korean people, before anything else.

The people's power was established and all democratic reforms such as agrarian reform were successfully carried out in the northern part of Korea in a short span of time under the guidance of the Workers' Party of Korea.

This helped the people become masters of the power, factories and land and women get rid of feudal fetters that had lasted thousands of years.

The liberation helped build the socialist system centered on the popular masses, invincible socialist state unfazed by any storm on the land of Korea.

Fresh leap forward and innovations have been made one after another in the building of an economic power. This reality in the DPRK makes everyone recollect the historic meaning of Korea's liberation which brought about a turning point in carving out the independent destiny of the people and achieving the prosperity of the country.

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