calendar>>August 14. 2016 Juche 105
Sixth Congress of General Association of Koreans in China Held
Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- The Sixth Congress of the General Association of Koreans in China took place in Shenyang of China on August 10.

The congress discussed the three agenda items "On the work done by the General Association of Koreans in China during the period under review and its tasks", "On the amendment to rules of the General Association of Koreans in China" and "On the election of the guiding organ of the General Association of Koreans in China."

Chairwoman of the association Choe Un Bok made a report on the first agenda item.

She referred to the successes made by the association in the patriotic work for strengthening the organization and contributing to the building of a powerful socialist country in the homeland and accomplishing the cause of reunification in the period under review.

She raised the tasks to be carried out in consolidating the association.

Speeches were made there.

The congress discussed the amendment to the rules of the association and elections of its guiding organ.

A letter to Marshal Kim Jong Un was adopted there.

The letter evinced the pledge to thoroughly embody the indomitable fighting spirit and traits of the people in the homeland in overall work and bring about a drastic turn in strengthening the association and in the patriotic movement for reunification.

On August 9, there were a ceremony of awarding state commendations to merited officials and core civilians, photo, book and fine art exhibition and art performance.

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