calendar>>August 14. 2016 Juche 105
Joint Press Release
Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- The north side preparatory committee, the south side group for promotion planning and the overseas side preparatory committee for the joint conference of political parties, organizations and individual personages of the north, the south and abroad for peace and independent reunification of the Korean peninsula released a joint press release on August 12.

The joint press release said:

A working-level meeting of the north side preparatory committee, the south side group for promotion planning and the overseas side preparatory committee for the joint conference of political parties, organizations and individual personages of the north, the south and abroad for peace and independent reunification of the Korean peninsula was held in Shenyang, China on August 11 and 12.

The meeting had a frank discussion of the present orientation of the activities for successfully holding the joint conference which is the great national conference for reunification, the joint conference of highest form proposed by the north side, and the issues of the joint national event and those of opening the football match between the workers of the north and the south for reunification for marking the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation and gathering of people of all social strata for reunification.

The participants shared the understanding that the joint conference which was agreed to be held to mark the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation was not held owing to the obstructive moves of the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad but it was the most rational way of defending peace and security on the Korean peninsula, improving the north-south relations and opening a new way out for national reunification and the proposal of great historical significance.

The meeting agreed to make positive efforts to hold the joint conference in the north, the south and abroad as an immediate task and decided to organize the all-nation joint preparatory committee depending on the formation of the south side preparatory committee.

It also decided to conduct activities for successfully holding the joint conference in various forms and ways to suit the specific conditions.

Delegations of the north, south and overseas which took part in the meeting expressed deep concern and regret at the fact that the joint conference, the August 15 event common to the nation and the football match were not held due to the disapproval of the south side authorities, and decided to conduct vigorous activities for normalizing contact and visit among the north, the south and abroad.

The north, the south and abroad agreed to actively discuss and promote the issues of fully realizing the gathering and contact for reunification including the joint conference as desired by all the compatriots while keeping in close touch with each other for consultation.

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