calendar>>August 14. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Women Demand Nullification of Humiliating "Agreement" with Japan
Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- Members of the women's committee of the Minju Party of south Korea and lawmakers belonging to the women and families committee of the "National Assembly" made public a joint statement on August 10 in demand of the nullification of the humiliating "agreement" with Japan, according to a south Korean internet paper.

The statement said the "government" would face stronger protest if it receives money from the Japanese government under the pretext of establishment of a "foundation."

It urged the authorities to stop operation of the "reconciliation and recovery foundation" and renegotiate the issue of the sexual slavery with the Japanese government.

It also urged Japan to make a sincere apology for the sexual slavery and take legal responsibility and put forward a concrete proposal for probing the truth behind it and for proper education in history.

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