calendar>>August 15. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Papers Observe Korea's Liberation Day
Pyongyang, August 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK's leading papers on Monday dedicate articles to the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation in praise of President Kim Il Sung's exploits.

An editorial in Rodong Sinmun says the President declared the great anti-Japanese war before the world with a high aim to liberate the country from the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule.

The editorial goes on:

He set forth an original line of an armed struggle and founded the Korean People's Revolutionary Army, the first Juche-type revolutionary armed forces, from the independent stand that the Korean people should carry out the Korean revolution to suit the specific condition of their country by their own efforts.

He wisely led the work to strengthen the Juche-type revolutionary forces to achieve the historic cause of national liberation relying on them. Under his leadership, broad sections of patriotic forces against the Japanese imperialists were rallied around the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland, which served as a driving force of leading the overall Korean revolution to a fresh surge.

The human history of national liberation struggle has not known such a legendary hero and brilliant commander as him who beat down the brutal imperialists in such a difficult conditions with neither state-backing home front nor assistance by a regular army.

An editorial in Minju Joson says his exploits of national liberation shed rays as an eternal treasure of revolution for the army and people who are dynamically advancing towards a powerful socialist country.

Article in Rodong Sinmun say that his wisdom of achieving the historic cause of national liberation with the Juche-type revolutionary forces lies in that he provided a guiding force for leading to victory the anti-Japanese revolutionary war, built a powerful main force of the revolution and rallied forces for all-people resistance.

The paper says that the victory in the anti-Japanese revolutionary war served as a valuable example which inspired the people in colonies to beat back the invaders and gain independence by their own efforts, adding it was a historical event that wrote a brilliant chapter in the world history of anti-fascist struggle.

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