calendar>>August 15. 2016 Juche 105
Appeal Issued by All-Korean Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration
Pyongyang, August 15 (KCNA) -- The north, the south and overseas sides committee for implementing the June 15 joint declaration issued an appeal on Monday.

Reiterating its firm will to take the lead in realizing the desire of all Koreans for reunification 71 years since the liberation of the country and national division, the All-Korean Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration appealed to all Koreans to do as follows:

Let's settle the issue of national reunification by the concerted efforts of all Koreans, who are responsible for the issue!

Let's foil all moves of the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad pursuing division and confrontation, and realize the unity of all Koreans!

Let's pool nation's efforts and wisdom and promote reconciliation and unity on the basis of respecting each other's social system!

Let's strive to put an end to joint military drills and other war and confrontation moves harassing peace on the Korean peninsula, and establish mechanism for durable peace!

Let's resume and make brisk multi-faceted contacts, visits, dialogues and gatherings for reunification among Koreans of various circles at home and abroad!

Let's proactively push ahead with multi-faceted contacts and visits of organizations of various circles, fields and regions including those of workers, peasants, youths, students, women, scholars, media persons and religionists together with joint national events!

Let's work hard to realize diverse contacts among all political parties and social organizations in the north and the south and a great national conference for reunification!

Let's restore as soon as possible the valuable fruitions provided by the north and the south by their joint efforts for reunification, peace and prosperity including the Kaesong Industrial Zone and tour of Mt. Kumgang and open again the sky, ground and sea routes between the north and the south!

Let's reject the policy of the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad to stoke division and confrontation and overcome today's difficulties and hardships by depending on experience and successes gained in the efforts for paving the road to reconciliation, cooperation, peace and reunification by pooling efforts and wisdom of all Koreans!

Let's put an end to national division and war-inciting confrontation and open the gate to lasting peace and independent reunification!

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