calendar>>August 18. 2016 Juche 105
Korea's Liberation Day Marked by Cambodian Media
Pyongyang, August 18 (KCNA) -- Cambodian media reported about the historic significance of Korea's liberation on August 12 and 13 on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation.

AKP News said:

After the liberation of the country the Korean people became the master of their destiny free from the colonial slavery of the Japanese imperialists and led an independent and dignified life as proud master of the state and society.

President Kim Il Sung led 15-year-long anti-Japanese armed struggle to victory and achieved the historic cause of Korea's liberation and founded the Workers' Party of Korea, to begin with.

Under the leadership of the Party the people's government was established and agrarian reform and other democratic reforms were successfully enforced in a short span of time in the northern half of Korea and thus, the people became the master of the government, workers master of the factories, the farmers master of land and the women could be liberated from the thousands of year-long feudal fetters.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was founded as the first people's democratic state in the East on the basis of the successes of democratic reforms.

The DPRK has attached primary importance to the military affairs while invariably preserving the principle of Juche in ideology, independence in politics, self-support in economy and self-reliance in national defence.

It has turned into an invincible socialist state that no formidable enemy dares provoke.

The Cambodian State Radio and F.M.90.5 Radio of Cambodia aired the same reports.

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