calendar>>August 18. 2016 Juche 105
South Side Committee Stages Action for Peace and Independent Reunification
Pyongyang, August 18 (KCNA) -- The South Side Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration held the August 15 national meeting for peace and independent reunification of the Korean peninsula at University Route in Seoul on Monday, the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation, according to the south Korean internet newspaper Tongil News.

Ri Chang Bok, chairman of the permanent representatives of the South Side Committee, in a speech said that in recent years nation's joint events have not been succeeded, noting that the August 15 nation's joint event in Seoul and south-north workers' football meeting for reunification have been disrupted due to the "government's" disallowance of NGO exchange.

Kim Yong Ju of the Council of Christian Churches clarified that the "government" pressurizes the people to suggest an alternative to THAAD deployment, stressing that the alternative has to be peaceful in its method, procedure and results.

Yun Mi Hyang, permanent representative of the Council for the Solution of the Issue of the Volunteers Corps, denounced the "government" for not lending an ear the voices of the victims of the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army who demanded a probe into the truth for the past 25 years, but pressing for "final and irreversible solution" in return for one billion yen from the Japanese government.

A press release of All-Korean Committee for Implementation of June 15 Joint Declaration was read out which called for striving hard to realize contacts and meeting for reunification of people at home and abroad.

Then followed a grand march for peace and reunification.

The participants called for waging a powerful people's action for peace against war in order to build peace mechanism on the Korean peninsula.

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