calendar>>August 21. 2016 Juche 105
Korea's Liberation Day Marked in China, Nigeria
Pyongyang, August 21 (KCNA) -- The opening ceremony of Korean cultural exhibition took place in Beijing, China and a film show in Enugu State, Nigeria on August 15 on the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation.

On display at the venue of the exhibition were photos on the exploits of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

There were also on display books, photos, art pieces and handicrafts introducing the DPRK.

A Korean film introducing Yonphung Scientists Holiday Camp was shown at the film show.

Speakers at the Korean cultural exhibition ceremony expressed pleasure over holding the exhibition to mark August 15.

President Kim Il Sung embarked on the road of the revolution in his teens and defeated the Japanese imperialists by leading anti-Japanese armed struggle and achieved the liberation of Korea, they said, adding that the Chinese people would be able to know well about the DPRK rapidly developing in Mallima speed.

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