calendar>>August 23. 2016 Juche 105
Achievements Made in Breeding High-yielding Potato Varieties
Pyongyang, August 23 (KCNA) -- Ryanggang Province in the northern highland of the DPRK, is a leading potato producer of the country.

It has been successfully pushed forward to cultivate high-yielding varieties of potato in the province.

In this regard, Ri Kum Il, a section chief of the provincial branch of the Academy of Agricultural Science, told KCNA:

The branch succeeded in breeding new varieties of potato, strong in resistance to diseases and high in starch content and productivity, and has planted them on a large-scale in several farms. Now, their sown area reaches several hundreds of hectares and a rich harvest is expected.

The branch also pays efforts to establishing the system of producing virus-free seed potatoes and increasing the potato production.

As a result of the efforts, new high-yielding potato varieties have been officially registered by the state in recent years.

Meanwhile, the branch contributed itself to improving several thousand hectares of arable land in Paekam and Samjiyon counties on the basis of sol analysis favorable for potato farming.

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