calendar>>August 23. 2016 Juche 105
Event Held to Mark Anniversaries of Kim Jong Il's Visits to Russia
Pyongyang, August 23 (KCNA) -- A photo exhibition was opened at the People's Palace of Culture Tuesday on the 15th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's visit to Russia and the 5th anniversary of his visit to the Siberian and Far Eastern Regions.

Displayed in the venue of the exhibition were photos dealing with the feats he performed in his energetic foreign activities to develop the DPRK-Russia friendship on a new high stage by visiting the Russian Federation and the Siberian and Far East Regions.

Present at the opening ceremony on invitation were Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Alexandr Matsegora and his embassy officials.

Officials concerned and people in the city were present.

Speeches were made there.

A film show was held at the People's Palace of Culture that day.

The participants watched the Korean documentary film "The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il Pays Unofficial Visit to the Siberian and Far East Regions of Russia" (from August 20 to 25, Juche 100 (2011)).

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