calendar>>August 24. 2016 Juche 105
Koreans in Europe Call for Protecting National Security through Joint Conference
Pyongyang, August 24 (KCNA) -- The European Regional Headquarters of the Overseas Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance for Korea's Reunification and the Society for Cooperation among Koreans in Germany on Aug. 22 made public an appeal titled "Let's successfully hold a joint conference for independence and peaceful reunification and thus protect the life and security of the nation forever".

The appeal condemned America's stooges, the south Korean authorities, for kicking off the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military exercise pursuant to OPLAN 5015 under the signboard of "annual defensive exercise" that day despite the public opposition at home and abroad and the north's warning.

It went on:

The hostile policy towards the DPRK and treacherous remarks aimed to unleash a nuclear war has reached an unpardonable stage. This stirred up the indignation among all Koreans.

The forces involved in the military exercise which was opened to the public show how dangerous the military drill is.

Peace champions of the world are aware through the situation on the peninsula that as long as there are the U.S. imperialists in the world, it is impossible to achieve peace for mankind.

It is the only way of averting a war on the Korean peninsula and achieving the independence and peaceful reunification of the country to successfully hold the joint conference for greater unity through the implementation of the July 4 joint statement, June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration.

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