calendar>>August 25. 2016 Juche 105
Leadership Members of Popular Liberation Movement of Angola on Friendly and Cooperative Relations with WPK
Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- Members of the leadership of the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola met with a delegation of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) participating in the 7th Congress of the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola and expressed the will to boost the cooperative relations between the two parties and the two countries.

General Secretary Juliao Mateus Paulo said that the relations between the two parties have become more excellent and are developing further than ever before.

The WPK led by Chairman Kim Jong Un and the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola led by President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos are registering big successes in the struggle for the welfare of the people, he said, and continued:

The West are floating all kinds of false propaganda to estrange the two parties and the two countries from each other and are finding fault with the two countries when things go on well there.

But the joint cause of the WPK and the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola will continue to victoriously advance.

We fully support the cause of the WPK waging staunch struggle against the hostile forces under the wise guidance of Comrade Kim Jong Un.

The Popular Liberation Movement of Angola will as ever strive hard to consolidate and develop the relations between the two parties and the two countries.

Secretary Jorge Inocencio Dombolo said that the participation of the WPK delegation in the 7th Congress of the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola offered a meaningful occasion in demonstrating the might of the traditional relations of friendship between the two parties which have developed based on mutual support and solidarity.

The director for Foreign Relations noted that the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola and the Angolan people would actively strive to invariably strengthen the traditional relations of friendship and cooperation with the WPK and the Korean people in the future, too.

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