calendar>>August 27. 2016 Juche 105
Nigerian Personage Pays Congratulatory Visit to DPRK Embassy
Pyongyang, August 27 (KCNA) -- Nigerian Senator Abudulah Adamu visited the DPRK Embassy in Abuja on August 22 on the 56th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of Songun revolutionary leadership.

He laid bouquets before the fine art work depicting President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il standing together and paid tribute to them.

He praised Kim Jong Il as a distinguished leader who defended the sovereignty and dignity of the country and turned the DPRK into a politico-ideological and military power and a nuclear weapons state with his outstanding political caliber and matchless pluck and courage.

He expressed his conviction that the Korean People's Army would develop into an elite revolutionary army with invincible militancy and the Korean people would continue to achieve greater success in building a socialist power under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Un.

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