calendar>>August 27. 2016 Juche 105
Meetings Significant in Development of Korean Youth Movement
Pyongyang, August 27 (KCNA) -- The 9th Congress of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League takes place in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK.

On this occasion, the young people in the DPRK are recalling with high pride their past meetings that served as turning points in developing the youth movement under the guidance of the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu.

President Kim Il Sung formed the Democratic Youth League of North Korea (DYLNK) after the liberation of Korea from Japan's colonial rule and personally attended the league meetings to show the road ahead of the youth movement.

The President attended the 2nd and 3rd Congresses of the DYLNK held in September 1946 and November 1948, at which he published his celebrated works "The Tasks of the Democratic Youth League Organizations in Expanding and Strengthening the Democratic Forces" and "Ideological Education of the Youth Is the Basic Task of the Democratic Youth League Organization".

The works served as a militant banner for rallying the young people around a mass political organization and inspiring them to build a new country.

The 4th Congress of the Democratic Youth League of Korea (DYLK) was also held under the guidance of Kim Il Sung in November 1956. It was of weighty significance in mobilizing all the league members to the building of socialism.

The President guided the 5th Congress of the DYLK in May Juche 53 (1964) to be an occasion in further promoting the development of the Korean youth movement. The congress adopted a decision on developing the DYLK into the League of Socialist Working Youth of Korea (LSWYK).

At the 6th and 7th congresses of the LSWYK in June 1971 and October 1981, too, he delivered historic speeches to clearly indicate the tasks and ways for preparing the youth as a reliable successor to the revolutionary cause of Juche and the vanguard and shock brigade in socialist construction.

He sent a letter to the 8th LSWYK Congress in February 1993, which encouraged the youth league organizations and the young people across the country to fully discharge their mission and duty in the efforts for realizing the cause of the Workers' Party of Korea and the cause of socialism.

Leader Kim Jong Il's idea of giving priority to the youth and his guidance brought about a new heyday in the development of the Korean youth movement.

The conference of the LSWYK, held in January 1996 in his presence, adopted a decision on renaming the youth league the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League. It was of weighty significance in strengthening the youth organization into that of Kim Il Sung, the pioneer and leader of the Korean youth movement.

The league rules were amended at the conference of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League in March 2002, representing the will of the young people to carry forward the idea and leadership exploits of Kim Il Sung through generations.

The participants in the 9th Congress of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League are filled with determination to show once again the stamina of the Korean youth who are exalting the dignity of the youth power holding high the banner of modeling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism under the guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

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