calendar>>August 28. 2016 Juche 105
U.S., Principal Enemy of Peace, Security on Korean Peninsula: Congolese News
Pyongyang, August 28 (KCNA) -- The Agence Congolaise d'Information on August 22 posted on its website an article titled "Lesson of World War II and peace on Korean peninsula" on the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation.

The article said that more than 70 years have passed since World War II but the imperialists remain unchanged in their ambition for world hegemony and they are resorting to high-handed and arbitrary practices in international arena.

It is none other than the U.S. which is the principal enemy of the peace and security on the Korean peninsula, it noted, and went on:

This is an undisguised threat to the DPRK and a challenge to the peace on the Korean peninsula.

The DPRK had access to nuclear deterrence to put an end to the moves of the U.S. for igniting a nuclear war and defend the peace and security in Asia and the rest of the world.

The DPRK has joined the ranks of nuclear powers and this has rendered the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK based on nuclear blackmail and the U.S. administration's policy of "strategic patience" bankrupt.

The U.S. is kicking up a racket while talking about the "human rights" of the DPRK in a bid to justify its military provocation against the latter.

The danger of a war will increase on the Korean peninsula as long as the U.S. is resorting to the reckless moves for aggression against the DPRK.

This makes the international community not forget the lesson drawn from World War II.

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