calendar>>August 28. 2016 Juche 105
Floral Baskets to 9th Congress of Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League from Different Countries
Pyongyang, August 28 (KCNA) -- Floral baskets were sent to the 9th Congress of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League by political, public and economic circles and youth organizations, of Malaysia, Mongolia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, UK, Spain, Tanzania, U.S., Peru and other countries.

Among them were the Youth Organization of the Malaysian Chinese Association, Revolutionary Youth Union of Syria, Central Committee of the All-India Youth Union, Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Vietnam, Central Committee of the Lenin Young Communist League of the Russian Federation, Central Committee of the Young Communist League of Russia, Khabarovsk Territorial Committee of the Lenin Young Communist League of the Russian Federation, Central Committee of the All-Russia Lenin Young Communist League, headquarters of the Red Youth Guards under the Working Russian Party, Amur Regional Youth Organization of the Russian Federation, the Blagobeshensk City Youth Organization, Central Council of the Communist Youth Collectives of Spain, African National Congress Youth League of South Africa, Socialist Youth of Mexico, Socialist People's Youth of Mexico, Brazilian Communist Youth League, Argentina Communist Youth Federation, People's Liberation M

ovement Youth of Angola, Addis Ababa Youth Association of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Youth Federation of Ethiopia, a Liaoning Co. Ltd., of China, and the director general of a Dandong Co. Ltd., of China.

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