calendar>>August 29. 2016 Juche 105
Syrian Figure Praises Kim Jong Il's Songun Revolutionary Leadership Exploits
Pyongyang, August 29 (KCNA) -- Saber Ballul, head of department of the Political Faculty of University of Damascus in Syria, made public a statement on Aug. 23 on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of the Songun revolutionary leadership.

He said that Aug. 25 was a historic day when HE Kim Jong Il started the Songun revolutionary leadership, adding:

He strengthened the country's defense capabilities through his Songun leadership and thus firmly protected the gains of revolution from the war moves of outside forces.

Thanks to his Songun Politics, the DPRK could have powerful means of attack and defense to stand up to any invasion by the outside forces.

In particular, the DPRK has access to a strong nuclear deterrent against the U.S. nuclear threats.

The accuracy and vitality of the Songun Politics initiated by Kim Jong Il have been clearly demonstrated in today's reality.

The U.S. should clearly understand the Korean people's power and will.

The Korean people are indomitable ones who hold in high esteem President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il as their eternal leaders and keep the Juche idea, Songun idea as their faith.

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