calendar>>August 30. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Will Not Show Any Mercy to Aggressors: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, August 30 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a commentary warns the DPRK will not show any mercy to aggressors.

The U.S. introduced nuclear strategic assets into the Korean peninsula and its vicinity for the purpose of mounting a preemptive nuclear attack upon the DPRK and seizing the whole of the peninsula before setting about in real earnest to carry out its strategy for dominating the Asia-Pacific region, the commentary notes, adding:

Herein lies the danger and criminal nature of the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drills which the U.S. is staging with nuclear strategic assets, tens of thousands of U.S. forces and more than 50,000 south Korean puppet forces involved.

The U.S. seeks to lay a siege to big powers of the region with the Korean peninsula as a bridgehead for carrying out its strategy to dominate the Asia-Pacific region.

In recent period, the U.S. is frequently staging the joint military drills together with Japan and south Korean puppet forces in the vicinity of the peninsula. By doing so, it rattles the nerves of the DPRK and seeks pretexts for justifying its forces' presence in south Korea and its arms build-up. In other words, it seeks justification for military operations under the pretext of the Korean People's Army's military counter-actions and realize its ambition to dominate Asia by escalating military operations.

The nuclear strategic assets can never help the U.S. save its face. The U.S. frequently tried to browbeat the DPRK with huge latest strategic assets, but it proved futile every time. The U.S. would be well advised to come to its senses.

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