calendar>>August 30. 2016 Juche 105
Demo for Peace against War Waged in U.S.
Pyongyang, August 30 (KCNA) -- The Korean Americans' Association for Supporting Prisoners of Conscience of the Family Movement for Realizing Democracy staged a demo for peace against war before the White House on August 26 together with U.S. religionists, according to a south Korean paper.

Demonstrators laid bare the danger of the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drill being staged in south Korea.

They said that OPLAN 5015 being applied to the drill was a combination of illegal acts of aggression which the U.S. has perpetrated in different countries of the world so far.

They stressed the need to intensify the solidarity actions to check the U.S. war actions.

Passers-by, tourists and media persons voiced solidarity with the action of Koreans for frustrating the U.S. moves for sowing seeds of discord and preventing a war by their concerted efforts.

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