calendar>>August 30. 2016 Juche 105
Performance Given for Participants in 9th Congress of Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League
Pyongyang, August 30 (KCNA) -- A joint congratulatory performance was given by Chongbong Band and the State Merited Chorus at the April 25 House of Culture Monday in honor of the participants in the 9th Congress of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League.

Put on the stage were songs of the revolution, songs of advance in the era of Mallima greatly encouraging the service personnel, youths and other people to the final victory, which the artistes of Chongbong Band and the State Merited Chorus arranged in a fresh and peculiar way in the revolutionary and militant spirit of creation.

The program of the performance included colorful numbers such as orchestra and male chorus "We Will Go On and On along the Road of Loyalty", female solo and chorus "I Will Remain Your Son Forever", light music "Frontline-Bound Train", female chorus "We Are Successors to Revolution" and male chorus "We Know Nobody but You."

The performers made an epical portrayal of the immortal feats President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, who consistently regarded it as the most important affair of the revolution to prioritize the youth, performed by bringing up the Korean youth as the powerful vanguard ranks of the revolution and dependable reserve force of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and building a youth power without an equal in the world.

Also put on the stage were numbers reflecting the loyalty of the young vanguard ardently revering and following Marshal Kim Jong Un.

The performance demonstrated the revolutionary spirit of five million young vanguard to certainly achieve the final victory in building a socialist power in the revolutionary spirit of Paektu, spirit of blizzards of Paektu, regarding the red flag of the revolution associated with the whole life of the great leaders as the banner of devotedly safeguarding the leader and the eternal guide pole of faith.

Watching the performance were Choe Ryong Hae, Kim Ki Nam, Kim Su Gil, Kim Nung O, Pak Thae Song and Ri Il Hwan, department director of the Central Committee of the WPK, and Jon Yong Nam, first secretary of the Central Committee of the youth league.

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